Resolve Customer Complaints Like A Pro: 90% Customer Satisfaction?


Complaints about clients will inevitably arise if your company places clients first. A complaint might result from anything going wrong, an error being committed, or failure to meet client expectations. Customer complaints don't need to spell disaster for your company; in fact, they could present you with an opportunity to impress an unhappy client with superb customer care, increase retention, and improve your reputation by handling consumer issues effectively.

Owing to their unhappy customer experiences may not be your preferred aspect of running your business, yet understanding their needs will allow for long-term success and expansion. In this post, we explore more fully the importance of effectively handling customer dissatisfaction and negative comments by explaining how to handle them so all parties involved remain happy with the result.

Customer Complaints

What are Customer complaints? Customer complaints often signal an imbalance between what your customers expected and the experience that was provided - this might be caused by unreasonable or inaccurate expectations from them. At the same time, sometimes, there might be something your business is doing wrong that needs rectifying.

Customer complaints could arise as a result of inaccurate marketing copy or user experience, putting customers off, as well as issues outside your direct control, such as third-party shipping issues. One way of finding out is to listen carefully and respond appropriately to customer complaints in order to determine if these contain truly useful feedback.

Why It's Important To Address Complaints From Customers Carefully

Customers are the lifeblood of your business. Their purchase decisions play a direct, impactful role in whether it succeeds or falters; this is particularly relevant if your industry is highly competitive; should a customer experience issues, they could take their business elsewhere immediately.

Customers who lodge complaints typically feel their expectations weren't fulfilled during interactions with your business - whether due to product quality issues or negative experiences with one of your employees - when their interactions fall below expectation, and submitting one as a customer complaint illustrates an imbalance between customer expectations and actual experiences.

Customer complaints must always be carefully managed; customers hold immense power in the digital sphere. Failing to respond properly could result in them leaving negative reviews online or posting about it via social media - potentially reaching hundreds or even thousands of potential customers and damaging both business operations and your brand's reputation.

Although no business owner likes receiving customer complaints, these situations may actually present your organization with an opportunity. When customers directly address you with their grievances, they often don't abandon you entirely but instead give you a chance to rectify the situation and satisfy customers more fully. Delivering effective solutions can strengthen customer relationships. Incorporating feedback from unhappy customers helps identify the root cause and devise plans to strengthen the future operations of your business.

Read More: Customer Service: 7 Dos & Don'ts For 95% Satisfaction!

Steps For Handling Complaints From Customers

Determining an appropriate response when customers complain can be challenging. Therefore, training your customer service team so they are capable of responding appropriately to common customer complaints quickly and effectively will make for better service delivery and resolutions of issues quickly and effectively. Follow these steps for handling customer complaints in such a way that all parties involved feel satisfied.

Listening To Your Customer

A customer who complains is looking to have their unique problem heard and addressed properly by your organization, so ensure your customer service reps use active listening techniques that allow customers to feel heard by your organization and valued as individuals.

Demonstrate Empathy

Showing empathy to customers can help resolve any customer-related conflict or disagreement quickly and successfully. Showing it involves placing oneself in their shoes and trying to understand issues from their point of view might make them upset and which actions would best address their concern?

Empathy can help identify solutions to problems while making the job of customer service reps simpler. Offering empathy statements or trying to relate directly with customers often works to ease tensions and help everyone remain calmer overall. Suppose a dissatisfied customer feels as if you understand and care about their problem. In that case, they'll likely be more willing to work together toward finding a resolution.


In dealing with unhappy customers, an apology goes a long way toward building rapport and understanding. If there was an oversight in terms of service delivery or promise fulfillment, be sure to apologize sincerely to them and recognize their circumstances if applicable. However, offering an apology can still be beneficial even in situations in which there was nothing you did wrong; an apology helps defuse the situation and move closer to finding an amicable resolution.

Ask Informed Questions

To better comprehend a customer complaint, be sure to ask any pertinent questions to gain more insight and as much information as possible so your customer service representatives have more tools at their disposal to find a suitable solution and deliver excellent customer care.

Communicate Any Necessary Party Changes

Communication is key when solving any problem successfully, from customer complaints to mistakes or miscommunication. Informing your team quickly of customer grievances helps resolve them more rapidly while keeping an eye on potential recurring errors can prevent similar ones in the future.

Strive For Rapid Resolution

Handling customer complaints is all about finding a swift resolution. No customer wants to wait around while your team of customer service agents find solutions to their complaints; thus, arm your staff with guidelines outlining common solutions, along with any restrictions they must abide by when responding to customers in certain scenarios.

Follow Up

Responding to customer complaints can be an excellent way of engaging your audience and showing that you care. In many instances, this means sending a customer satisfaction survey with questions designed for customers about their experience with customer service; through which customers rate how satisfied they were and provide valuable data and insight. Follow-up on customer complaints will set your business apart by showing exceptional customer service.

Keep Records

From the time a customer submits their issue until its resolution, record every interaction you have with that individual customer. Doing this can provide insight that helps improve products, services, and overall customer experiences. An archived record can also provide your customer service representatives with context if the same customer makes another complaint in the future.

Offer A Solution

Only after gathering enough details should you offer a solution. Understand what can and cannot be accomplished within your company guidelines to prevent making promises you cannot keep; making promises without follow-through will only set back efforts further. When offering solutions, be courteous and respectful in offering solutions. Let the customer know that you will take ownership of solving their problem; explain it if necessary so their transition goes as smoothly as possible if an employee in another department needs to help solve it instead.

Tips On Resolving Complaints

Now that you have a guide for managing customer complaints, you can better serve your customers. When applying the steps outlined here and dealing with disgruntled clients, keep these key tips for resolving complaints in mind:

  • Stay Calm: Stay calm to ensure a civil interaction and find solutions quickly and peacefully.
  • Give Your Full Attention: An angry customer often needs someone to listen; when talking with such individuals, be sure to devote all your attention. Give each one of them your undivided focus.
  • Thank Them: Thanking upset customers will demonstrate your company is open to feedback, ready to listen, and open to finding solutions for them.
  • Explain How And When You Will Solve Their Issue: It is essential when responding to customer complaints that we clearly communicate how and when the problem will be solved.
  • Follow-Up: Responding quickly and appropriately to a customer complaint can reengage with them while simultaneously providing your company with valuable feedback about customer experience.

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Customer service cannot be overstated: it plays a critical role in keeping existing customers loyal, winning new ones over, and cultivating lasting brand associations. Effectively managing complaints plays an integral part in building customer relations and creating customer-centric businesses.

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