Email marketing remains one of the most effective approaches to stay connected to your target audience despite technological developments, keeping your product/service/offer at the forefront of people's minds until it's appropriate for them to act upon it.
Writing effective promotional emails requires numerous moving parts; everything you need to know in this guide for effective promotional email writing will be covered here.
Promotional emails refer to emails you send directly to your list about new or current products or services that inform recipients about exclusive content, one-time discounts and special offers. Their purpose is to educate people on special content such as one-off discounts or one-time offers while simultaneously expediting purchasing processes, drawing in new or returning customers or persuading recipients to take some kind of action - conversions may include downloads, phone calls or event registration - although purchases remain the most frequently converted action.
What Are Promotion Emails?
Promotion emails are marketing emails sent directly to subscribers, leads, or customers, informing them about any offers you are running that they could benefit from. Email promotions can be created for any number of upgrades: subscriber offers, lead generation opportunities, sales/discounts offered, and so forth.
- Limited time offers.
- Subscriber- or customer-exclusive deals.
- Seasonal or holiday promotions.
- Product launches.
- New arrivals.
- New subscriber/customer welcome offers.
- Contests and giveaways.
- Free content like eBooks, white papers, guides, infographics, and more.
- Any other special deals, like buy-one-get-one, refer a friend, coupons, and promotional codes.
Email marketing plays a pivotal role in email promotion:
- 91% of consumers check their email at least once every day.
- 58% of consumers check their email before doing anything else.
- Brands get a return on investment 42 times the amount they invest in email marketing.
Promos are enjoyed by most, making promotional emails an effective form of marketing strategy:
- 68% of millennials say promotional emails have influenced their purchase decisions.
- 76% of email subscribers have made purchases from an email marketing message.
Tips For Writing Your Promotional Email
After creating the structure for your promotional email campaign, the next step should be writing and sending. By taking note of our advice below, you may increase both the open rate and engagement rate significantly.
Focus On The Benefit/Value
Be cautious not to neglect the advantages of your promotion in favor of its features and benefits, which might seem more important. Your offer link should ideally take readers directly to an info page outlining all terms and features related to it, while in an email's body section, make clear why readers can benefit from such offers by outlining their key advantages.
Send From A Person
Combined, subject lines and "from" fields play an integral part in whether people open, ignore, or delete your promotional emails. To make them seem more personal and avoid audience biases, try switching out the company for someone's name in this field - individuals tend to respond better when reading emails written directly by themselves. Experiment, as all audiences may react differently.
If you choose to send promotional emails directly, make sure that the signature stands out and is professional-sound. Include here any relevant social media handles, contact information or pictures; this gives your promotional emails an engaging human touch while strengthening bonds between the brand and audience.
Use Preheader Text
Before opening an email, recipients are presented with three layers of information: sender name, subject line and preheader text. While preheader text only needs to be between 40-130 characters in length for it to have any real effect on whether readers open your message, make it count by including details that entice readers and clarify its purpose in that short space. Depending on which device and email client is being used to view emails, preheader text might appear either immediately following or beneath its subject line, depending on the circumstances.
Preheader text may appear directly within promotional emails themselves - like this example - although this isn't always necessary. Make sure your opening lines are engaging enough for readers to continue reading if unable to fill in preheader fields with full messages; generally speaking, email clients will pull from 40-50 characters of message content at this stage.
Brand Your Header
At first glance, your customer should see something neat, polished and captivating when opening your promotional email; therefore, its header must be clean, professional, and eye-catching. A plain title could include your company name, logo and colors while leaving room for text that could consist of more of the promotion's details; alternatively, you could place a call to action directly within its header for maximum effectiveness.
What To Include In Email Promotions
Every email promotion needs some key components in order to attract recipients' attention and keep it from automatically getting filed as a spam folder. Following are some key components for promotional email to include :
- Name of Sender: This may refer to either an organization or person. Although larger brands usually opt for company names as senders, entrepreneurs or small businesses often utilize an individual as the sender instead for added personalization. Using someone's name rather than that of an organization often provides greater impact.
- Captivating Subject Line: Subject lines have an enormous effect on email open rates, drawing in customers by engaging them directly with compelling statements that draw them in and draw out the information they desire from you. Though both short and long subject lines may grab customers' interest, for the highest open rate average, six to ten-word subject lines work best.
- Key Message: Email promotion content serves as its main message, with easily digestible visual formats for text and images that facilitate readability. Many businesses utilize templates when designing promotional emails, so formatting becomes faster and simpler.
- Call-To-Action (CTA): Any message should contain an obvious CTA that prompts recipients to purchase something or subscribe to an email list, among other actions. Crafting effective call-to-action (CTAs) that won't irritate recipients is an art in its own right; marketers are masterful at crafting engaging CTAs that resonate with recipients.
- Legal requirements: In order to avoid fines and penalties associated with email marketing campaigns, businesses should abide by all laws and regulations, such as CAN-SPAM and GDPR.
9 Types Of Email Promotions
These are nine well-liked categories of successful promotional email marketing:
New Product Announcements
Your promotional emails could inform customers about new offerings or improved services, offer potential clearance sales on obsolete goods and services or retire them entirely. Every time your company releases something new onto its email list, be it physical goods or digital services, you should inform all recipients via a promotional announcement email.
Limited-Time Offers
Email promotions that feature time limits or flash sales often generate excitement among potential buyers, prompting them to buy instantly. Such an offer might persuade those already considering an item to make the transaction; countdown timers work well as an incentive.
Hold contests as an email promotion strategy during slow sales cycles to drive more traffic, engagement among subscribers, and, ultimately, revenue. Contest participants could include sharing brand info via social media platforms like Twitter or sharing it directly by making recommendations or placing orders.
Offering free content or materials such as ebooks, reports, templates, infographics or video training series is known as providing "freebies." A trial version of software or programs could also qualify. Furthermore, freebies could include extra items added onto physical product purchases without incurring an additional cost; when customers purchase watches, they also receive free watch bands as part of their package purchase - like when customers receive free watch bands when making the transaction.
Subscriber Or Customer-Exclusive Deals
This approach draws upon the exclusivity principle in psychology to gain subscribers to your list. Effective email campaigns that use this tactic to get subscribers include offering limited-edition discounts exclusively available for list members; such emails encourage interested prospects to join by making promises exclusive only for subscribers.
Special Offers
Special offers, like buy one get one free offers, referral discounts, coupons, or promotional codes, can all fall under special offer email promotions. They may even be combined with other forms of sales, such as subscriber-only sales, for even greater impact. Special offer email promotions provide businesses with a powerful means of engaging both existing clients and drawing in new ones simultaneously.
Seasonal Or Holiday Promotions
Holidays provide businesses with an ideal opportunity to send subscriber offers to customers. Since competition among industries can be fierce, companies may create their own holiday promotions to distinguish themselves. For instance, instead of restricting promotions solely around officially recognized holidays like Black Friday or Thanksgiving Day, some may run cabin fever specials during winter instead.
There are also non-traditional holidays that provide opportunities for creativity and entertainment when engaging customers and adding email promotions relevant to their product/service offering.
Content Promotion
Promoting new content via emails can add significant value. A blog post, video or weekly tip email could serve as the call-to-action (CTA), providing free but worthwhile content that builds rapport and increases customer loyalty through content promotion.
Event Announcement Emails
Email marketing remains one of the most successful strategies available today. Used properly, email can create lifetime brand loyalists by providing relevant information to potential customers at just the right moment. Email can help grow your business while meeting all marketing goals regardless of the size of the company involved.
Email marketing is an efficient online marketing technique that reaches wide-reaching addresses while improving customer satisfaction, making email one of the most successful strategies available today. An optimized message structure and content tailored for target customers are required for successful email marketing strategies; when used effectively, it can foster long-term brand loyalists by offering pertinent information to potential buyers at just the right moment. In that term, you can choose to go through promotional email writing services by us in terms of increasing your chances, operating rates, and conversions at the end.